HealthCare Connections, Bozeman Health’s big blue-and-white mobile health screenings vehicle, will be in Big Sky at the Conoco station, at the corner of Highway 191 and Lone Mountain Trail, on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
No appointment is necessary to receive preventive screenings and select immunizations, particularly for those who are uninsured or under-insured. All services are provided free of charge, regardless of health insurance status.
HealthCare Connections staff will offer preventive health screenings for:
Flu shots
Breast and colon cancer
Heart disease
HIV and Hepatitis C
Obesity and bone density
Now is the time to get a flu vaccination, before the flu season is in full swing. Free immunizations against flu, tetanus, whooping cough and pneumonia are available for any adult. Health and nutrition education is also available.
The HealthCare Connections staff also provides blood pressure readings and area residents can receive training in hands-only CPR, and speak with a pharmacist about medication interactions. Bring your medication list if you would like a consult.
Bozeman Health is committed to treat those in need with preventive care before they become seriously ill.
For future dates or more information, call HealthCare Connections Mobile Health Screenings at (406) 414-2100 or visit