In School House News, Supt. Jerry House shares his point of view on education and the Big Sky School District – his favorite place for teaching and learning. News is selected from all three schools – Ophir Elementary, Ophir Middle School and Lone Peak High School.
Making strides
By Jerry House Big Sky School District Superintendent
Big Sky School District has been longing for a great technology adventure, and it’s finally a reality.
I challenge you to think about the piano. It has 88 black and white keys. Can the piano make music without a person who has the skills necessary to make it? Of course not!
The district is now at that stage with the 1:1 rollout of our new computer devices and the use of various applications. It will take training teachers and students to learn how to use these devices, and it will require cooperation of parents and community members to teach and to learn the skills necessary to effectively operate the technology.
Students in grades k-3 will be using iPads, students in grades 4-8 will use Chromebooks, and to finish the 1:1 rollout, our upper grades will see each student with a Surface Pro. This technology will be a tremendous learning tool for each student as they carry their device from class to class. It’s imperative that all learning integrates technology into each daily lesson, and students must be able to use technology to prepare them for the global world they will face upon graduation.
BSSD received donations for the 1:1 rollout from Friends of Big Sky Education, Surface Donors, and the Yellowstone Club Community Foundation. Let the great Big Sky School District technology adventure begin … our students are up to the challenge.