Ron Campbell, the renowned animator of the Beatles’ “Yellow Submarine” film and the director of the subsequent television cartoon series will appear at Style A Gallery in Bozeman from 4 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7. Campbell will be exhibiting his Beatles cartoon art, discussing his craft and creating new pop art during the event.
Campbell will also be exhibiting artwork featuring other beloved cartoon characters that encompass his 50-year career in children’s television including Scooby Doo, the Smurfs, Rugrats, Winnie the Pooh, George of the Jungle, the Flintstones, Jetsons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and many more.
In 1964 the Beatles invaded the United States, performing for 73 million people on the Ed Sullivan Show and dominating the U.S. pop charts for years. More than five decades later, the Fab Four continue to be the most celebrated musical group in rock ‘n’ roll history.
“Yellow Submarine,” recently celebrating its 48th anniversary, has become a permanent fixture in pop culture, defining the psychedelic ‘60s for generations to come. In his book, “Up Periscope, Yellow Submarine,” Producer Al Brodax gives Campbell a great deal of credit for saving the movie and tying it all together at the last minute.
The Saturday morning Beatles cartoon series debuted on ABC in September of 1965 and ran through April of 1969, inspiring the young kids of America as they followed the bouncing drumstick to each Beatles tune.
Campbell has also been involved with some of the most popular cartoons of the 20th century; his former studio was awarded a Peabody and an Emmy for his work in children’s television. Since retiring after a 50-year career, he has continued to paint subjects based on the animated cartoons he has helped bring to the screen. With particular emphasis on his Beatles-themed work, he shows his cartoon pop art in galleries worldwide.
Meet Campbell and watch him work at Style A Gallery, located at 31 S. Willson Ave. in Bozeman between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Tuesday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 7. All works will be available for purchase.
Visit styleagallery.com or beatlescartoonartshow.com for more information.