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Speaking your Truth

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By Angela Patnode Contributor

What is truth? What is your truth?

Truth is saying what you know to be true for you, not based on beliefs, or what someone else said. It’s not based on fear of being judged or a need for control. It’s truth about how you feel, about your ideas, about who you are and what matters to you.

Saying your truth may be difficult. You’ve been taught to not say your truth by society, parents, teachers, and an internal belief that you will not be liked if you do so. However, when you come from your place of truth, you are in your power, you are empowered, and you will find peace in that truth.

Here are some examples of speaking your truth versus not:

“I need to be held right now” versus “When are you going to show me you love me…”

“I feel hurt that you don’t return my calls” versus “You must be so busy these days, I never hear from you.”

Learning to say your truth is possible and is your authentic gift to the world. Try these tips in your daily life:

1. Be aware of when your words or actions don’t match with what you know is true.

Your body will tell you when they are not congruent through physical signs like a knot in your stomach, tightness in your chest or feeling fidgety.

2. Remove the word “should” from your vocabulary.

Should implies that you or someone else has done something wrong. It can be a form of guilt. Instead, use the words, “I will,” “I choose,” or “I must.”

3. Be clear and direct with your words.

No beating around the bush. No maybe’s or I guess’s. Say what comes from within without the buffer words.

4. Avoid avoiding.

Notice when you’re avoiding someone because you know you need to say your truth. Step into that fear, and you’ll find it’s not as hard as you projected it would be.

Angela Patnode, through her business Evolutionary Teachings, offers classes, workshops, retreats, and one-on-one programs to help you evolve in your daily life through connecting mind, body, heart and spirit. Contact her for questions and interest in guiding you in authentic living, and discover your joy, balance, clarity, peace and contentment within.

Patnode will teach a workshop on speaking your truth on Saturday, March 3 from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Down to Earth Yoga Studio in the Emerson Cultural Center (does not involve yoga). For more information call 522-3884, email or visit

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